Banquet Flooring Carpet Vs Carpet Squares


Booking banquets for wedding and big parties is a common scenario these days. Banquets which are updated as per the latest interiors and styles are mostly preferred for such events. Flooring has an essential role to play in the banquet area. It can either bring down the brightness of your banquet hall or could add that grace that it requires. Traditionally banquet carpet has been extensively used to decorate the floorings. But nowadays carpet squares have emerged as a convenient alternative for floorings. In this article we will be discussing which flooring option is better based on certain factors,

Cost:As far as the cost is concerned carpets becomes an expensive choice whereas carpet squares is comparatively a cheaper choice. You would like to have a carpet woven in good quality yarn with some designs and patterns; such choices are extremely high priced. Whereas a carpet tile with good design and great quality comes cheaper if we compare it with the high quality carpets.

Installation: Carpet squares wins over carpets as far as installation is concerned. Carpets squares come in small shapes and can installed by aligning them from one corner & place them in a line. This could be easily done by us; whereas you will have to hire a person who will install the carpet. They come in huge rolls which not only difficult to transport but equally difficult to store as well.

Maintenanc: Carpet squares are very easy to maintain. Be it coffee stains, gravy spills, colas, dust or even dirt everything could be cleaned with an ease. For banquet halls its nothing less than a blessing that the flooring could be cleaning without much of an effort. In case of carpets it becomes essential for you to clean the stains or spills at that very moment.

Durability: Carpet squares come with high strength and thus could be relied for heavy traffics. A good quality Carpet tile will be extremely durable and will continue for years and years without wearing off. Carpets are delicate things which will remain intact if properly maintained and regularly cared.

Designs: Carpets which comes in exquisite and traditional designs are very expensive and hard to find. However, Carpet Squares comes in various designs and can be customized by mix and matching different colors and shades.

Carpets becomes as an obvious choice when you are considering flooring for your home but commercial space which is bound to expect a large crowd carpet tiles is an economic choice. As they are available in bulky sizes, they may appear costly, but they are available on a basis of floor area or on a square foot basis. So, you can buy as per your requirements and measurements, and still get it at a competitive price. For more such flooring ideas contact us at Competitive Commercial Carpet.