How To Avoid Common Mistakes People Make When Purchasing Doll Houses With Furniture For Children


You have decided to purchase a doll house. In your search for the right product you notice that in addition to the house there are numerous choices to be made in regard to furnishings and accessories. Then you theorize that it would be simpler just to buy everything together in one simple purchase. So you launch your search for doll houses with furniture.

Your idea is a good one but there are some things that you should look out for in the process. There are some common mistakes that buyers make when purchasing pre-accessorized doll houses with furniture. This article will help you avoid those mistakes.

At this point you may be asking, What mistakes? How hard could it be to buy a doll house with furniture? In reality your purchase could cost as much as a $100 or considerably more, depending upon your choice. When spending that kind of money you want to get it right.

If you are purchasing a doll house for a little girl then look for a house with furnishings that is scaled to the size of the dolls that will be used. One of the most common mistakes that people make when buying doll houses is not taking in consideration the size of the dolls in proportion to the size of the house. That can lead to a frustrating experience, especially on Christmas morning when a little girl gathers up her favorite dolls and discovers that they look like giants in her beautiful new dollhouse. None of us wants our good intentions to turn into disappointment.

In some cases, particularly in doll houses for younger children, it is not uncommon for dolls to come with the accessorized house. That certainly eliminates the doll size mismatch. Just make certain that these small toys are safe for use with small children. Choking hazards are always a concern for toddlers since they have a propensity for putting objects in their mouths. Look for age appropriate information that accompanies the product advertising.

Many doll houses are not appropriate for children. They are not built to stand up to childs play. That is not to say that children arent attracted to them. In fact, they will most likely love such doll houses. These houses are made for and by hobbyists and collectors. They are more fragile and definitely not built with the safety of small children in mind.

Most of the major retailers that sell toys stock doll houses with furniture. It may be helpful to visit your local store to get an idea of what these dollhouses actually look like. Online and catalogue representations can give an unrealistic view of what you are really getting. This will also help you to narrow your choice to the kind of house that is most appropriate for your needs.

An important tip in dealing with the major stores is that they actually offer many products online that you wont find in their stores. In many cases you can also get a special online discount. It is definitely worth your while to check online first before settling on a purchase from your local store.

Another mistake commonly made when purchasing doll houses with furniture is buying a product that is too much trouble to put together. If you have already decided to simplify by acquiring the doll house with all the accessories together then you are probably not all that interested in the hassle of complicated assembly. Wooden doll houses almost always require assembly. Even some of the plastic models require some assembly. So if building and assembling is not your thing be sure to check out the difficulty level first.

One last consideration. Wooden doll houses can be very heavy, especially those made to be used with the most popular 11 dolls. Storage can be a problem. If there are space constraints then you will want to take the size of the house into consideration as well. These larger houses are also hard to move from place to place. In fact, they are almost impossible for a child to move. And then there is all that furnitureand accessoriesand dolls.

It has not been my intent to talk you out of doll houses with furniture but rather to help you make the choice that is best for you and your child. There are some wonderful choices that will provide years of enjoyment.