Indian Style Interior Design – Best Tips

Vibrant colours, shiny fabrics, abundance of accessories. Let the magic of India take over your home and bring exotic energy and harmony.

Whether you were inspired by Bollywood productions, actually travelled to India or simply dream of having a relaxed, informal interior with an exotic touch, consider redecorating your home in an Indian style. For some the incense stick and Indian music would do the trick. It is worth to look for authentic Indian accessories, change the colours of the interior, arrange soft and warm light – to recreate the atmosphere from “The Thousand and One Nights” stories. It will be ideal for hot summer days and in the winter it will bring you energy and warmth.Here are some guidelines how to do it:

Colour and patterns

Rich colours will be perfect; paint your walls purple, orange or yellow. Don’t hesitate to mix them – you can use muted tones instead of primary. Deep blue or green accents, silver and gold accessories will work perfectly with such background. If strong colours is not your scene, make the background colours neutral. Look for decorated wallpapers with floral or swirly patterns, they will add a vibrant touch to your interior.

Furniture and floor

Don’t worry if the furniture is slightly worn, choose dark colour of wood, decoratively carved and simple designs. To authenticate the look throw pillows on the sofa, use rugs and floor cushions on the floor. Again vivid colours will give it exotic look, but the floor should be neutral then – either dark wood or pale ceramic tiles – up to you.


Try to look for an Indian shop, where you can get original fabrics from India. Either heavy or light as feather batiks and saris, can be used as curtains, throws on a bed or sofa or canopies. If you have pieces of furniture that don’t go well with the rest of the space, the fabrics are perfect to “cover” the table, the sofa or even the chairs. You might also get original accessories – picture frames, mirrors, candleholders, elephants, religious statues and imagery.. Use the elephant theme any way you desire – as figures, on fabrics, as prints to hang on the wall. Search for anything with tiny pieces of mirrors – they will authenticate interior look.

If you decide not to change your room completely, focus on accessories. Indian accents will work amazingly with art deco furniture or any simple, neutral design. This will create an eclectic style and ambience in your house.

And if your time and funds allow you – travel to India. There you will feel the beating heart of this magical culture. The streets, all the little markets, the sights and the smells and offer endless inspiration not only for your interior design style, but also for your soul. You might come across big or little treasures and bring them back home.