Decorating Tips – Selecting Bedroom Furniture
Extraordinary Styling Extraordinary styling brings all of the above together. When people ask what constitutes an exotic style we be inclined to think of foreign cultural influences. As mass communication and the internet have “shrunk” the world, pretty and stylistic changes from round the globe have had a deep affect on furniture designs. The West Indies look adds mahogany finishes, stone and rattan, the Sahara look brings canopies, palm leaves and sandstone, and the Caribbean style comprises grasses, vibrantly colored fabrics and coconut husks. African influences add bright blends of colors, exotic stone and marble finishes, and Egyptian motifs. Native American influences add traditional rug patterns in fabrics, turquoise accents, handmade pottery and precious stones. Of course the list is endless but it is easy to see how many of these stylistic effects could shape a bedroom selection. It also brings up a best point in that several more daring homeowners opt to decorate using mixtures of styles and woods. Where 20 years ago most decorating did not comprise manifold woods in one room, these days you may find three or four woods in the same color family, a bed made of iron, and case pieces from two diverse styles. Anything goes particularly in extraordinary styling.
Transitional Styling The transitional furniture category is wide and covers a type that fits neatly among customary and contemporary furniture, normally borrowing style and building elements from both categories. For this reason, you will find transitional styles that are more customary rest that are more modern. Once you have your style selected, the pieces for a bedroom are reasonably standard. King beds augment in popularity each year, but periodically a consumer will downsize from a king to a queen. New flanged houses have big closets and built-in storage which leaves more room for non-customary furniture in the bedroom. Most famous are loveseats, chaises and large chairs. An area rug to set off that part of the room is also a vital part of the collection.