If you purchased a brand new house, it probably doesn’t have landscaping. You will have to add it yourself or hire a landscaper to do the job. Homes with trees, bushes, and flowers are more valuable because they appear welcoming, lush, and have curb appeal.
If you have two houses that are exactly alike in terms of square footage, number of bedrooms and baths, and location, the one with the best yard will win out every time. You don’t have to plant fully grown trees, you can spend less by purchasing younger versions and letting them mature in your yard. Many nurseries will plant these trees for you and guarantee them for a certain length of time.
You must align your landscaping with the region you live in. Certain plants and trees that thrive in one location will shrivel in others. You can find out the best plants by visiting your local nursery, going online to research native plants, and looking in your neighbour owned yards to see what’s growing well.
If you live in west coast, you might want to select citrus, palm, or mesquite trees. If you live on the east coast, you might want to plant cherry trees. In the desert, you might go for cactus and in the mountains you might plant pine trees. Native plants thrive on their own turf.
If you’re going to plant trees and flowers, you might as well add some edible landscaping, as well. By planting grapefruit, apricot, or apple trees, you can enhance your property value and feed yourself at the same time.
In your flowerbeds, you can add a squash plant so that you harvest zucchini to eat for the same amount of effort and water. You can grow grape vines over trellises for shade and hanging fruit.
By adding some landscaping to your barren property, you can make it look beautiful and increase your property value at the same time. Your house will have curb appeal and be the first to sell when you have mature trees and bushes surrounding it.
Be sure to take note of the native plants in your area so you’ll know which are the sturdiest in your region. By including some edible plants, you can feed yourself while you’re at it.
So, by adding a bit of landscaping on your house you can get all benefits including entertainment, food and most of all, increased property value.