Know How To Protect Your Outdoor Patio Furniture Sets Before A Tropical Storm Hits


If you live in an area near the ocean, it is important that you know the steps to protecting outdoor patio furniture sets during a tropical storm. A tropical storm is one of the three types of tropical cyclones that develop when the wind speeds of the storm are between 39mph and 73mph.

The other two types of tropical cyclones include that of a tropical depression, which measures up to 38mph, and a hurricane, which develops when wind speeds develop to 74mph. Here, you will learn some effective measures for protecting outdoor patio furniture sets during a tropical storm.

There are several different types of materials used to create outdoor patio furniture sets. You may find that some are constructed of a type of concrete material, wood, plastic, PVC, and similar substances. Naturally, the type of material that was used to develop your patio furniture will determine the type of preparation that you will need to engage in when your area is facing the threat of an approaching tropical storm.

If your furniture is created using a concrete type of material, little to no preparation is required. The only exception to this is if some of the pieces are hollow, or if they are light weight. Otherwise, concrete will hold up relatively well – even during dangerous hurricanes. However, if there is an umbrella, or other light weight component to concrete furniture, you should secure it.

Many individuals in tropical storm prone areas simply take the outdoor furniture and place it in a shed, garage, or other structure that will protect the pieces. This is often the best strategy to use. While there are many pieces that promise water protection, the thing is when the furniture comes in contact with winds up to 73mph, it may get tossed in the wind.

When you have a small patio chair tossed in the wind at 73mph, it can actually become a deadly missile. Furthermore, it can land in the most inopportune places – like the windows of your home, your roof, your vehicle and more! Protecting your outdoor furniture is not just about keeping it free from damage, but to keep it from damaging property and injuring individuals.

This is why, even during the smallest of tropical storms, you should definitely take the time to ensure that you are protecting outdoor patio furniture sets during a tropical storm.