House Plans For Sloping Blocks, Build Your Own Retaining Wall

House Plans

Sloping blocks or yards are aesthetically attractive and give a whole new look to your home. But the problem is that in spite of its good looks, it can pose several problems and in more ways than one. Constructing a house on such a block is a difficult job as the design has to match the slope to make the most of it. It is also difficult to create a garden, patio, pool or play area on land that is not level. Hence it is important that you hire an architect who is experienced in drawing house plans for sloping blocks.

One of the best house plans for sloping blocks is to build a retaining wall. A well constructed retaining wall can not only look aesthetic but also help you make your backyard useful once again. These walls can be made from different kinds of materials like concrete, natural stone, wood or even from old railway ties. If you would like to do this task yourself, then get the pre-cast concrete stones which are great for this. All the blocks have lips and hence you can interlock these easily without the need to put in any mortar. The only disadvantage is that you can use these only for walls where the height is three meters or less.

A concrete retaining wall is also great to control erosion which usually happens on a sloping block. This can lead to water logging which over time can damage the very foundation of your home. If you have used a lot of wooden structures for your house, then erosion can also cause rot to set in destroying these. Erosion also results in soil shifting which makes it difficult to create a beautiful garden. It is important that you choose the right material while constructing this type of wall. Compare the different materials like natural stone, wood and concrete and then choose one which is best for the slope of your block and also the climate of the area.
The popularity of wood retaining walls is diminishing but this is a good choice if your house has a very rustic and old world design. There are different types of timber that you can use; get the advice of your local timber dealer to find out which one is affordable and best suited for the region. It is also advisable to get treated wood as these are resistant to rot and fungus and last for a very long time. Keeping these tips in mind would be great while looking at house plans for sloping blocks.